Personalised hand towel

Personalising a towel is a great idea if you're looking for a unique gift. It is personal, practical and shows that you have put a great deal of attention and care in choosing the gift. With a personalised towel you make an everyday item very special. Available in different fun colours.

Personalised towel

Printing this towel with a name is fun for children for sports or swimming but also for adults. Would you like to add a company logo to increase your brand awareness? Or maybe an inspirational quote or a special date? You can also choose to add a photo that is dear to you, or simply your name to avoid confusion in the gym or on the beach. Just make sure that the image or text you choose is of high quality so that the print looks its best. When printing your towel, we use advanced printing techniques, so that the print lasts a long time and does not fade after washing. This means that your towel not only looks great, but also remains functional.

Your personalised towel with your own name! Convenient for the whole family or to use as a sports towel. View personalised bath towels and beach towels here.

Product features

  • 100% cotton
  • Size: 50 x 100 cm
  • Heavy quality (450 gr/m2)
  • Print with 1 line of text (max. 10 characters) on the bottom strip